Wardrobe for Opportunity (WFO) provides access to transformational career support services for low-income Bay Area residents seeking employment and career advancement.
Types of Programs Offered:
Navigate, 5 Sessions: Identify skill set and job opportunities, improve professional image and presentation, hone interview skills, learn networking best practices, and connect to local employers.
Accelerate, 6 Sessions: Improve workplace soft skills (communication, conflict resolution and teamwork) for employment retention and promotions, manage productivity, and create professional development plan.
Catapult, 10 Sessions : Set career and financial goals, intro to entrepreneurship and wealth building, manage change and stress, grow support network, and work with career coach.
Types of Workshops Offered:
Professional Attires: 1-hour service in which clients work with a trained stylist to receive professional attire for an interview or a new job
Mock Interviews: 2-hour workshop hosted by Bay Area companies to help clients network with potential employers while honing their interview skills
Professional Development: 2-hour workshop that covers topics such as resume writing, building a Linkedin profile, work/life balance, negotiations, and networking.
Financial Literacy: 2-hour workshop that covers topics such as budgeting, credit, homeownership, tax support, and financial planning/retirement.
Steps to Stability: WFO works with community agencies to bring its Mobile Career Resource to your community; our new 3-in-1 model combines an express professional styling experience, a career development workshop and learning to network with job markets.