LEGAL SERVICES: EBSC provides free and low-cost legal services for immigrants. We help people apply for asylum, green cards, work permits, naturalization, and more.
DACA: If you were brought to the U.S. as a child, you may be eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), sometimes called Dreamers.\
SUPPORT SERVICES: We can help connect you to public benefits like food stamps or cash assistance, medical care, employment services, or mental health support.
COMMUNITY EDUCATION: We offer tutoring in English As a Second Language, classes to prepare for the citizenship exam, and workshops on immigrant rights and resources.
MAYAN VOICES OUTREACH: We offer education about your rights, what to do if ICE comes to your door, workplace and COVID safety, and what to do if you are the victim of a hate crime.
OLAS LGBT Sanctuary: OLAS offers workshops and retreats that create community and emotional support for LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers from Latin America. All activities are offered in Spanish.